Friday, May 1, 2015

The pen is...

Everyone knows how that ends.  The pen is mightier than the sword.

Recently, and as a past post can attest, I had an incident with a tour guide who didn't treat me well.  I was silent through the indignity.

But, when I was in a steady place/space, I wrote a letter of complaint. It was measured but succinct and outlined the incident in detail.

I've always been one who writes letters, whether the treatment was bad or good.  And, when someone thinks they are shutting me down by saying "Put it in writing," they have actually given me the ammunition.

That's why I wrote the letter.

Yesterday, I found out that the tour guide was fired. Now that was not my intent but, the manager said there had been other complaints and my letter was the final straw.

While I don't like to see someone lose a job, if he was creating problems for the company and my letter was the tipping point, then he was best gone.

On top of that, the owner refunded half of my tour price. So, one letter yielded so many results.

And, it supports the oft-repeated assertion that the pen is….

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