Monday, April 22, 2024

Chemistry - ARGHH

I am so tired of hearing guys I meet online say that he'd like to meet me to see what the chemistry is like.


If they don't get that magic on the first day, that's the end!

Everyone doesn't ooze with chemistry and I fear I'm one of those.

I don't want to fake it and pretend I'm so smitten because that's not me.

But that doesn't yield second dates.

And to be honest, those relationships that begin with chemistry, explosiveness and a high High HIGH often end badly.

So, I want to pace it because it takes a lot of slow to grow.

So, if we don't get sparks on the first date and you don't...try again.

Continuing to grow and see one another in a paced way can lead to true love.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Today I Turn ___________

 Today I turn....

Can't say it!

But I'm having fun.

I'm kinda retired!

So, I'm exploring more...Going to intriguing places.

I've always been quirky...eccentric and a person who does what I want.

And, it's made me more enlightened.

So, Today I'm ___________.

It's hard to say.

It's hard to believe.

But today I turn 77!