Friday, April 24, 2015

The power of the pen

In the last two weeks, I've had to deal with two unpleasant incidents.  In an earlier post, I mentioned how important it is to write a letter when you get good service.

I agree with that.

On the other hand, when you get bad service, let it RIP!

I went to a meeting of an organization where I was once an officer.  Out of pettiness, the current president didn't introduce me.  Well, as soon as I got home, I wrote a letter to the higher-ups of the organization and he was spanked but good.

I'm waiting for my apology but I know the officials gave it to him.

The second incident occurred while I was on a tour to the Grand Canyon.  The tour guide was incredibly rude.  I sucked it up but complained to the manager and owner upon my return.

I heard from them and they were LIVID.

Most people will complain and go off on the offender.  I don't waste my breath/time.  I write to those who can make change happen and who factor in that person's fate.

That is what works. The power of the pen is mightier than the sword…indeed.

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