Saturday, September 5, 2015

Give it a second chance

I'm health conscious and I love my "regular" doctor.  When I have a cold, he's there.  Whenever I have any other kind of ailment, I know he'll write a prescription.  But, recently I went to a holistic doctor because I want to try a more organic approach to health.  He gave me tons of herbs and after a few days, I stopped with the regimen. I just couldn't see myself drinking concoctions and popping herbs with such regularity.

But, feeling ill and tired, a month later, I tried it again.

VOILA!  The herbs seem to be working. So, despite the expense, this is working and I'm feeling better without the drugs.  Yes, I have a shelf filled with drinks and herbs but they mean good health. I'm glad I gave this doctor a second chance.

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