Monday, June 1, 2020

Outrage, shock and tears

Like anyone who saw that tape of George Floyd having the life "kneed" out of him by a cop, I have a mix of emotions.


When you survey the landscape of the scores of black men -- and women -- being murdered in the most horrid of ways at the hands of law enforcement.

Rifled down Armery by vigilantes in a dump truck, who killed him like a dog.

Put a chokehold on Eric Garner who yelled "I can't breathe" in his final hours.

Bulleted their way into Breonna's home and murdered her.  Later found out that the criminal they sought was already in custody.

Too often these "law enforcers" are exonerated.

Let's keep our eye on the ball and resolve to keep society's feet on the fire and get white people "woke."

And, let's be vigilante about Karens lying and using their privilege as a weapon to get blacks into the prison mix.

It's time for us to rise up.  Use the tools of the smartphone to expose and use our voices.

But do it with resolve but in peace.

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