Monday, January 14, 2013

It's always important to say "THANK YOU!"

Alpha Kappa Alpha had a most successful Founders' Day in Baltimore.  Even with the Deltas celebrating their Centennial, we managed to snare some good media coverage.  Replace "good media coverage" with "phenomenal media coverage."

Today, I'm thanking everyone in that market who wrote about us and gave us valuable coverage.  Why?  Because it's the right thing to do.

There's another reason:  A few years ago, a reporter from New Orleans did a great story on us when we were there for Leadership.  I thanked him for the great piece.  Two years later, he was in the Philly market.  Because of that "thank you," he remembered me and did another great story on the strength of that gratitude.

So, it's worth the time to show appreciation.  With such a fluid industry, that reporter could wind up in another market.  Then, the thank you pays off!

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