I met Michelle Dunham over ten years ago. when she called Alpha Kappa Alpha for information about an event she wanted to attend.
I provided her with the info -- and she came. That's how I met her.
We clicked and became great friends.
She's an attorney and football player but a devoted friend.
My cat is dear to me and since my neighbor can no longer feed her while I'm away because she can no way, I've had to put her in a shelter. My late cat, Manny, died after spending a week there.I don't know if I can blame the shelter since Manny was a tad sick, but she died. I was reluctant to put my new cat Pearl, there. But she survived a week. But the second time, her eyes were red and needed treatment.
I went out of town for a week to the tennis championships in Mason, Ohio. I mentioned to Michelle that I didn't want to put Pearl in a shelter. She volunteered to come by and feed her. And she not only came by but also called to tell me how Pearl was doing..That was much appreciated. On the day before I would be home, I told Michelle that I'd be home soon and there was no need for her to come by. She said she had grown fond of Pearl and would come by that day and feed her and pet her a bit.
I was so touched and humbled and realized that Michelle is a true friend.
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