Monday, April 25, 2011


The Chicago Business Opportunity Fair was a wonderful success. Kudos to WCIU for sending such a wonderful team to the Fair for interviews with minority firms and corporations. PHEW! Allstate was interviewed so that should satisfy them. And the interview went well and the piece was well produced. I also give credit to WCIU for entrusting an intern with the interview and assignment. She was awesome and even handled pressure with poise when an interviewer ran off, accidentally, with the microphone still affixed to his collar. She didn't panic and, despite the lost time, was able to get all of her interviews.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Be kind and humble

Kindness pays. Went to Lexington and was picked up at the airport. Saw a fellow AKA and gave her a ride as well. She didn't know I was a VIP but she showed up in my workshop and was taken aback. She said I should have told her I was a VSG (Very Special Guest.) My humility impressed her. I could have boasted but she found out through another route when I was introduced. She gave me the loudest applause. There's a lesson in there somewhere.