Monday, June 24, 2024

I got it done...and I'm happy...and I saved $.

 Well, I got my implants done in Cancun.   It was a success. My teeth feel spectacular... and I only spent $1200 or $2400 for two teeth.

In the US, it would have totaled $10,000.

The only thing I had to pay for was hotel as I had accumulated enough points that I got my airfare FREE!

My friends can laugh and mock me if they want.  But they're spending $10,000 and I'm saving $7,600.  Now who got the better deal?

Monday, May 27, 2024

Saving money is worth the trip

Last year, I got an annoying tooth extracted. My dentist suggested implants in the hole where the tooth was.

Price:  $5,000.

My insurance would pay a piddly amount so, for the most part, it's on me.

But then a girlfriend suggested I get the work done in Mexico.  And since I'd be going there in December anyway, why not get it done for a fraction of the cost.  She knew a dentist who would do the job -- maybe even better.

She was right!  I  made an appointment and got the work done for a nominal $1,500.

So-called friends mocked me for resorting to a Mexican dentist. And they acted like his office was near some back alley.  They questioned my sensibilities.

Not so.  His office was in a modern facility and he was wonderful

I felt no pain.  Everything was done professionally.

I am going back in June for the completion for the work.  While there, I'll get another suspect tooth done.  So, for two teeth, I'm paying $2500 versus $10,000.

Now, you tell me who's the crazy one?

Monday, April 22, 2024

Chemistry - ARGHH

I am so tired of hearing guys I meet online say that he'd like to meet me to see what the chemistry is like.


If they don't get that magic on the first day, that's the end!

Everyone doesn't ooze with chemistry and I fear I'm one of those.

I don't want to fake it and pretend I'm so smitten because that's not me.

But that doesn't yield second dates.

And to be honest, those relationships that begin with chemistry, explosiveness and a high High HIGH often end badly.

So, I want to pace it because it takes a lot of slow to grow.

So, if we don't get sparks on the first date and you don't...try again.

Continuing to grow and see one another in a paced way can lead to true love.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Today I Turn ___________

 Today I turn....

Can't say it!

But I'm having fun.

I'm kinda retired!

So, I'm exploring more...Going to intriguing places.

I've always been quirky...eccentric and a person who does what I want.

And, it's made me more enlightened.

So, Today I'm ___________.

It's hard to say.

It's hard to believe.

But today I turn 77!


Monday, March 4, 2024

Enjoying my visits to Out of the Way places

 For ten years, I've dedicated one day a month to visiting a place that is original, unique -- and maybe quirky.

Because my friends are not as "feistily curious" as I am, I don't invite them.

But what a joy!  I've been to the 31st Street Beach and saw where a naked woman was carved in the sand.  I've been to one of the most hard-to-find pubs that looks empty on the outside but once you open the door, you're greeted by an explosion of wonderfulness:  lights beaming, enthusiastic staff and the drinks and food are unbelievable.

Of course, I've seen the Shit Fountain and a little hidden away plus pond behind Lincoln Park Zoo. And yes, I've been to the Bahai Temple, I've seen Harold Washington's grave and I've wandered around some eerie -- but fun -- places.

I could go on but just have to add that this has made me interesting, lively and Happy.

What more could you ask for?

Monday, January 22, 2024

Prostate Cancer is a Black man's plague

When General Lloyd Austin was AWOL, it was because he had prostate cancer.  There is no shame but because it concerns his prostate, he chose to "keep it quiet."

Now comes the death of Dexter King because of prostate cancer.  

This is emerging as a Black man's disease because a proportionate amount contract it.

We must launch a campaign to educate Black men about prostate cancer. Black women should urge their Black men to get tested.  Black men should learn the stark reality that Black men are more susceptible to prostate cancer.

Whatever it requires, we must do that.


Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year!

 Another year.  Another year older.  Another year wiser.

For me, after a disastrous Christmas, it's good to welcome a new year.

I pray that I have the discipline and wherewithal and the inner tools to wait before responding and acting.

Last year, a woman irked me in the airport.  I wanted to give her the side eye and an eye roll.

But I resisted.

About a week later, she sought me out for an assist with something.  I was glad to help and, working with her, I realized how kind and resourceful she is.

I liked her.

And she liked me.

She invited me to a function that I would have never been invited to.  I went and had a ball.  She treated me like I was royalty.

I'm glad I resisted the urge to be unkind.  Why? Because being civil brought me a new friend and valuable contact.

And that makes me happy!