Monday, December 19, 2022

Grieving During the Holidays

 In the last week, I've had a good friend to die and another is on life support.

Susan Peters was a walking light.  She glowed.  People were drawn to her.  And she was love personified.

She died suddenly in an automobile accident.  Suddenly, her life was snuffed away. This beautiful person..

And then there's Steve Strode.  A beautiful, kind person who is clinging to life after a case of road rage.  He was beaten to a pulp and prayer warriors are surrounding him...hoping he'll make it.

Father God, welcome Susan to heaven with harps. She is a beautiful person who will be a great addition to your orbit of angels.

And pray that Steve pulls through. He is an angel on earth as he gives so much and cares so much.

Let him wake up and begin the recovery journey while he pray hard....HARD!

In my way, I love them both and lift them both up in prayer.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Human contact

You simply can't make authentic connections via Facebook, email or even on the phone.

I'd been trying to connect with a media type but she wouldn't return my call.  Then, I found out that she was invited to a party of an organization of which I'm a member.

Problem #1:  There was no assurance she'd be there.

Problem #2:   He was freezing cold out and I lived far from the party site.

Never mind, I thought.  I'll take my chances.

So, I braved the cold and drove in the dark to an uncertain outcome.

But everything was working:

SHE WAS THERE!  I scampered up to her, introduced myself and engaged in brief banter. 

PLUS!  I met several others I craved to introduce myself to.

As soon as I got home, I sent out "It was nice meeting you" emails to each.  Of the five I emailed, I got kind responses from three...including the contact I wanted to meet.

So, the human contact is key - ALWAYS!