Monday, December 28, 2020

Wonderful boyfriend

 The end of the year is a time to reflect.  And, my personal life comes into focus.  I don't talk about it but, as I think back on this year, his dedication and his love mean so much to me.

I am so fortunate to have him because he is such a caring boyfriend/man/boo.  

He moves me in the most charming ways...simple ways.

On Christmas Eve, he spent the night so I wouldn't be alone on Xmas morning.  That's because the family was being COVID cautious and wasn't having a family gathering. And, even though his family wasn't adhering to guidelines, he made sure I'd be OK.

I was.

He took the time to open some hard-to-open packages that I would have given up on in a few seconds.

Because he knows I love sweets but don't need them. he removed three cookies from a cookie tin that I could eat and then threw the others way.

He mounted a picture my neighbor had given me for a gift.

And, of course, he gifted me with what I wanted -- even though he thought it was quirky. A toolbox. He went way over the top as I'd expressed a need to learn how to repair basic things.  Now, I have all the tools and I'm going to find a course where I can learn to make basic repairs.

He has a quiet style about him that moves me.

I don't often talk about him but on the day after Christmas, I called him to thank him for giving me the best gift EVER!

No.  Not the toolbox...but his loyalty, support and love.

Monday, December 14, 2020

I should have gotten to know her..but now it's too late

 Dr. Jane Smith was a supernova.  From a child, she was groomed to be an achiever, an influencer and one those spirit would shape the world.  And, she was absolutely gorgeous with a beautiful eyes that radiated her look. 

Did I say smart?  She was whip smart.

We were in the same class at Spelman and her aura was spellbinding.

With her confidence, and the way she carried herself, I must admit:  

I was jealous!

I never got to know her at Spelman but I admired her from afar.

We graduated and I didn't see her until she was executive director of an organization that brought her to Chicago.  That was over 15 years later.  I'd seen her mentioned in the Spelman magazine for years so I knew she was doing well.  We connected and for the first time, I saw why she was so valued.  She was phenomenal.

We chatted and I felt no edge about her, no snark, no nothing. She fondly called me "Chicago."  I realized that she was kust a nice person -- about something.

I saw her at our 50th reunion and, as she always did, she called me, "Chicago."  She was with a friend but I told her I would like to talk to her.

She didn't stay long but waved and gave one of those shrugs as if to say, "I know you want to talk but I'm tied up with this guy so...please understand."

On December 10, she died after a brief bout with cancer.  I was stunned.  I mean, some folks are never supposed to die and you can't imagine that happening to someone so awesome.

But when her sons shared the news, I knew it was true.

I never got to know Jane -- not really.  But, I understand why she was beloved and why she was so admired and inspiring.

I just wish I'd gotten to know her better.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Yielding to sensibility

 It's nearly time for me to make my annual vacay to -- CANCUN!

In spite of the pandemic, I did my due diligence and felt I could still go --and observe protocols.

I'd mostly hang out at the villa and on the beach since being outside minimizes risk.  

To ward off any threat of violating social distancing guidelines, that would put me in jeopardy by riding the crowded busses, I would rent a car.

But, the question was:

Would I have fun?

Would I relax?

I love shopping and didn't want to curtail one of the reasons I enjoy my sojourn there.

So, the risks widened.

But, then family stepped in.

My brother and sister begged me not to go citing fear that I would contract Covid and never get out alive.

Then, my sister's grandkids made their appeal:

"Auntie.  Don't go.  We don't want you to die!"

With all of that pressure, it was a no brainer:  I'm not going.

It goes against my adventurous spirit but, I suppose sensibility kicked in -- THIS TIME!

Monday, November 16, 2020

Dude's gotta go!

These words from Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris regarding Donald Trump refusing to concede -- and horrifyingly refusing to leave the office -- captures my outrage exactly.

Let's end this nightmare.  Or will we have to drag him out kicking and screaming -- ghetto style?

Just asking!

Monday, November 9, 2020

Bye Trump

 I cannot express enough my





Delight seeing Trump get defeated.

After four years of crazy, it's time to return to what Trump would call "Boring."

I call it return to sanity...return to normal...return to kindness...return to everything good.

With that prospect, I have two words:

Bye Trump.

Monday, November 2, 2020

If you're a victim of a crime, you're on your own

I was recently a victim of a crime.  I went out to my car at the wee hours to retrieve something. When I noticed the light was flashing because a door was opened, I discovered a man sleeping in my car.

I screamed, ran into the house and called the police. By the time they got there, he was gone.  But, in his haste to get away, he left his cell phone. That was the clue that got him arrested.

He is a 29-year-old long-time criminal with a long rap sheet and a reputation in the area that makes him well known to the police.  I shuddered thinking that I could have been killed since it was only the two of us. 

But, this new trend to give the thugs a break extended to this case. When I went to court, he was a no-show. When I asked the State's Attorney what would happen, she was lackadaisical. It was a minor crime and he'd probably get court supervision,  I pointed out that he has a long rap sheet and needs to be put away.

The answer was a yawn.

Somewhere in the middle of that conversation, I realized that when it comes to criminals getting time for their crimes, those entrusted -- and elected -- to keep me safe are not going to watch out for citizens. You're on your own.

Monday, October 19, 2020

All you can do is....

 Say "I'm sorry!"

Last week, I posted a snarky tweet responding to another tweet.  In less than a minute, I realized I'd made a mistake.  I tried to delete it but, I was too late.

So, I was called out in a BIG way.

The only thing I could do was say "I'm sorry!" 

That reminds me to be more thoughtful when posting. Read what you wrote. Reflect on its consequences.  Either post it if you're convinced it's GOOD TO GO!

If there's any doubt, don't send it...don't post it..don't press the send/tweet button.

It will save you a lot of regret and will keep you from eating a little crow. 

Monday, October 5, 2020


 Since January 20, 2017 when Trump was inaugurated, it's been high drama EVERYDAY!

He's divided the country...ruptured it!

Now, he's got COVID and that hasn't slowed him down.

With all the scandals, the divisiveness, the deceit, the chicanery, the hysteria, the mean tweets and foolishness, it's time for him to go!

We can't take four more years.  




Monday, August 24, 2020


I couldn't sleep so I decided to work.  Problem is:  I'd left my notes in my car.  So, at 4AM, I went to my car to retrieve the notes.

I was shocked to see a man in my car rummaging around...stealing items from the car.

I startled him but he startled me more.  I screamed, bolted into the house and called the police.

They came right away and, naturally, the intruder had left.  I discovered he'd gotten in and out of the house via the garage window.

Then, we discovered the big find:  He'd left his cellphone.

With that, the police are moving to apprehend and arrest this thug.

I intend to testify and pray that he doesn't get a slap on the wrist.

Criminal behavior begins with acts like these.  If he's not punished, his acts will escalate!

But, it was a frightening experience!

Monday, August 17, 2020

So proud of Kamala

 On so many levels, there are reasons to be proud of Vice President Kamala Harris. 

She's diverse.  Unlike the other female VP nominees (Ferraro and Palin), she has so many ethnic strands running through her veins.

She's smart.  Listen to her.  Watch her. Question answered.

She's a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.  WOW!  She's my Soror and she 'gets' it. 

She's relatable. She's approachable and can relate at every level.

She's probing.  If you have any doubt about that, ask Attorney General Barr and former Attorney General Sessions who were both grilled by her to their detriment.  They were both flustered.

She's beautiful.  In these days when being telegenic helps, Kamala Harris exceeds expectations.

And I'll be happy to call her Vice President.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Having fun during COVID-19


There are ways to enjoy summer...even amid Corona.

Since you're safe outdoors, I've gone to many outdoor haunts where there are limited crowds.  Wauconna Parkway is beautiful with its lagoon and Venice-mimicking tableau.

I've discovered so many of these.  There's a lovely trail in University Park that is next to a nature center....both are great options.

Then, if you are good with your partner, go to the drive-in.  We're going and expect to have a LOT OF FUN!

There are many parks to visit that have their unique identity.  The trail in Oak Forest has a lot of natural wonders and if you're lucky, a deer will cross your path.  Then, at the end of the trail, enjoy a picnic at one of the many picnic tables.

But, one thing I've tried to avoid:  ZOOM virtual fun.

Why?  Because who wants to see a block of one's photo when you can have REAL FUN!

Monday, July 6, 2020

Americans have no....


As we see Europe return to normal from COVID-19, Americans continue to see the number soar and surge.


Because we have no patience and no willingness to make the sacrifice to comply.

I see folks yelling in government meetings about "their right to not wear masks."

I see beachgoers huddled together and frolicking in a pool -- a small space.

I even saw a security guard get murdered in Flint because he barred someone from coming into a store because she didn't have a mask.

States that opened early are witnessing the biggest jump in cases and deaths.

The European Union is barring Americans to come to Europe because they could spread it to their citizens.

Dr. Fauci is looking with alarm and the escalating numbers and sees little hope if America doesn't buckle down and take this seriously.

There is no end in sight if folks don't do the right thing and exhibit discipline, short-term sacrifice and the willingness to live.

Monday, June 29, 2020 gotta let it go

I've worked on this project for over a decade.  I've always felt a certain sense of pride at being asked year and year to do the Public Relations.

But, this year was stressful...a nightmare...a drain.

I don't know what made this year so different.  Maybe it's my age or lack of tolerance for the drama surrounding this project, or maybe lack of patience.

Whatever the reason:  It's time to let it go.  It's time to say NO.  It's time to refuse to do it again.

I do this once a year and each year, I vow not to do it the next year.  But, with the lapse of time, I forget.

This year, I won't forget!  I've tagged a lot of people to remind me when the request comes to say...NO!  When the client is treating me to a sumptuous breakfast...say....NO!  When the memory of the stress of it all begins to wear down as the year goes by, remember and say...NO!

In other words, say NO!

Monday, June 15, 2020

One word

For all of the turmoil in the world:  Black men being murdered, the Corona-19 pandemic in full throttle, heightened protests, statues toppled, anger...anger...anger.

One word:


Monday, June 1, 2020

Outrage, shock and tears

Like anyone who saw that tape of George Floyd having the life "kneed" out of him by a cop, I have a mix of emotions.


When you survey the landscape of the scores of black men -- and women -- being murdered in the most horrid of ways at the hands of law enforcement.

Rifled down Armery by vigilantes in a dump truck, who killed him like a dog.

Put a chokehold on Eric Garner who yelled "I can't breathe" in his final hours.

Bulleted their way into Breonna's home and murdered her.  Later found out that the criminal they sought was already in custody.

Too often these "law enforcers" are exonerated.

Let's keep our eye on the ball and resolve to keep society's feet on the fire and get white people "woke."

And, let's be vigilante about Karens lying and using their privilege as a weapon to get blacks into the prison mix.

It's time for us to rise up.  Use the tools of the smartphone to expose and use our voices.

But do it with resolve but in peace.

Monday, May 18, 2020

My sermon - what a triumph

My brother pleaded with me to deliver a sermon on Mother's Day since the original speaker had backed out!


My message was:  A WAY OUT OF NO WAY where I spotlighted women who had prevailed against considerable challenges.

The sermon was rhythmic and powerful.  The lesson of finding A WAY OUT ON NO WAY resonated with the congregation (the sermon was delivered via Zoom) and I'm still basking in the afterglow.

So, my Toastmasters training paid off.

It was a triumph! 


Monday, March 16, 2020

Finding relief

I've had a condition for a year and it has caused much anxiety and frustration.  It is incurable and that hangs over me as a source of doom and gloom.  However, it doesn't end of death and that is some consolation.

But, it's left me in a total sense of despair.

But, then, I heard about a guy who had the same condition and is helping those with the disease.   While there is still no cure, he put me on a positive course.  He said to practice being calm and that will help allay the severity of it.

Throughout the conversation, I felt a sense of relief and a feeling of calm.

He was reassuring.

I got a new mindset and a sense of psychic relief that things will get better.

And that is a start toward a positive outcome.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Super Bowl???

Amid all of the hoopla surrounding the Super Bowl on this ONE DAY, you must start to assess how to make everyday a SUPER BOWL for life.

Be positive.

Be kind.

Be upbeat.

Be inspirational.

Be aspirational.

Following these steps will make sure your life is a permanent SUPER BOWL!

Monday, January 13, 2020

Paying on time puts you at the front of the line and uppermost on the radar

Recently, a new staff member took my weekly order for an item I order frequently. She stated that I'd missed the deadline by an hour and she couldn't take it.

Humph, I thought.  Now, I'm a good customer.  I pay on time.  I'm always courteous.

So, I thanked her and called back and asked for my usual customer service rep, who'd been promoted.  Because I'm a good customer, I felt I should be accorded the trappings and benefits that reliability affords.

With no hesitation, he put my order in and confirmed with the e-mail.  Within 15 minutes, the former rep called back with an apology and with a promise to treat me with the type of respect and adoration that a long-time, faithful customer deserves.

So, there!