Friday, September 30, 2016

True friend -- with class

My friend Kathy Times is class personified.

Yesterday, she asked me to review a press release.  I didn't mind and didn't feel put upon.  I was rushing but made a few adjustments that were incorporated into the final submission.

Today, she sent me a $60 gift certificate to a restaurant of my choice.

In the message to me, she thanked me and said she valued my time.

What a class act!  Those are the types of gestures that earn appreciation and deepen friendships.

Thanks, Kathy!

Monday, September 26, 2016


I just had a dinner party.  It was successful but two of the women who'd begged me to invite them...well, they didn't show.

I heard from one of them today.  She never received the invitation with the address.  I told her I had sent it awhile back and re-sent it.  She then acknowledged that she got it.

I haven't heard from the other woman yet.

It was a success in spite of their flakiness.  But, my opinion of them changed.  I thought these were outstanding, upstanding women.  But not showing and not calling is a big NO NO.

So, they cost me money and I'll never invite them again.

All they're good for is EXCUSES!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

It is wonderful to meet a kindred soul

I don't know when I met JPC.  High school?  Maybe. But, yes, we attended Harlan together.

I don't remember bumping into him in the hall of Harlan.

But, we know one another now.

It's been wonderful connecting with someone with similar values and a similar background.

Going down memory lane with him has been uplifting, nostalgic and fun.

So glad I met him...looking forward to the adventure...and to wherever it leads.

The fun part is that he seems to feel the same way!

And that makes it good...better...the BEST!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Trump's Tough Talk and its Implications

Trump's Tough Talking Terrorist Talk is resonating during this time when bombs and terror are in the news.  Hillary is coming off as Same Old Same Old.

If the polls tic upwards in Trump's favor, it will be because of the perception that Trump's bravado will translate into an ass kickin' for the terrorists.

My fear is that the public will be so swayed with fear that even reasonable-thinking Americans will take Trump seriously and display this inclination at the polls.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Don't Do it

I'm having my annual dinner where I invite 24 friends. I make a special effort to make sure there are an equal number of men and women in attendance. So, I put that on the invite that this is an invitation for YOU only.

And yet, last year, women brought girlfriends.  This is exactly what I try to avoid.

We, as women, must stop having a need to bring friends.  When that happens, it throws my numbers off and my balance off.

Of course, when they do that, they're not invited back.

Please, read the invitation and heed the request.


Saturday, September 10, 2016

When Serena lost - Opportunity arose

So, ya'll know I'm a Serena fan.  So, it was a major disappointment when she lost to...whoever.  Instead of being sad, I used that opportunity of when I'd be watching her in the finals to volunteer. So, I'm going to help man the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority's voter registration booth.

I'd say that exchanging sadness for service is a good exchange.

Monday, September 5, 2016


Today is Labor Day.

I have an invitation to join someone at the African American Festival.

I have an invitation to a BBQ

A friend just let me know she is in town and wants me to drive to O'Hare Hilton to meet her.

Well, I'm staying home.  I'm going to watch tennis, chill out and mosey around the house.

No plans.  No drama.  No -- nothing.

It's a LA-Z-DAY and I'm going to be LA-ZY.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Beauty of Social Media

Through Facebook, I got a lot of advice on how to sue a tenant.  The generosity was especially heartwarming as one FB friend walked me through the process.

She was so awesome that I've decided to retain her firm to handle future transactions.

I would have been clueless without her and I vow to do business with her where I'll pay!