Monday, July 30, 2012


I always take a few days to enjoy the city where I'm working.  AKA had its Boule in San Francisco and I barely got out of the press room.  However, I spent an extra two days there and basked in the glory of this fair city without running into too many pink and green ladies.  It was a pleasure and a great way to end the conference.  And, knowing that we did a superb job made it even better.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Sweet Satisfaction of a job well done

Last Thursday my firm handled the PR for the naming of the street in honor of Ed and Betty Gardner.  We generated so much positive press and the client credited MELODY'service with getting the crowd in.  So, when it's all over, and you're responsible and did a good job,  reflect on its success and congratulate yourself.  I'm still basking in it...but must move on to the next event.  Alpha Kappa Alpha's Boule in San Francisco!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Attend conferences

I attend the National Association of Black Journalists convention every year.  It's the perfect opportunity to meet journalists, renew acquaintances and strengthen your media contacts.  Plus, I always have a good time.  This is the first year I stayed in the host hotel and it was worth every penny to be able to hob nob in the lobby at all hours without worrying about having to get to another hotel.  I have also leveraged by NABJ membership in every market I enter.  It's a membership, and conference that have paid off in dividends.