Monday, May 30, 2011

Funeral program books

I love recreating the lives of the dearly departed for their funeral booklets. It is a skill set that makes the survivors feel uplifted as the memories of their loved one are vibrantly and lovingly depicted. I've done several of these and am amazed by the gratitude the family feels. My tribute to my Dad was so lovingly done until I'm getting requests for them. I'm glad I had extras printed. Even relatives are asking for extras and they were given extras. Credit to Demis Printing - Bill Demis owner -- for the wonderful and artistic interpretation he created in designing and printing the program. Forget the standard template of when you were baptized and that type of "ordinary write-up." Give it life and love. If you're a past or current client, it's done for free. If not, it's done with understanding. We recapture their life vividly, passionately and lovingly.

Monday, May 23, 2011

An executor

Being an executor for my Dad's estate has created a whole new skill set for me. I'm learning as I'm going and it's an awesome responsibility. I miss my Dad though and would love to have him back to help me on this journey.

If you're in line to be an executor, begin learning now while your loved ones are ALIVE.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Paying tribute to my dad

Rather than use the template of the funeral home's obituary style, I wrote my own tribute to my dad, which was better, more personal and more poignant.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Readying for death

Last week, I saw that my dad was failing and I began the contours of his obituary. He died the next day.

While it is not pleasant, this is something I should have had poised and ready.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Donald - a case of a slam dunk

The capture of Osama bin Laden after Donald Trump's charges only heightens why this was a petty issue. A great primer in PR and how a earth-shaking news event can quash silly news from carnival barkers.