Monday, January 13, 2025's 2025

Every new year is cause for reflection and ruminating.

I am inching toward 80 and I think about all I've done and the small amount of time I have left.

Yes.  I have regrets. 

Yes. I'm proud of some moments in my life -- meaningful and daunting and glorious. 

So, here we are at 2025 and another whole new year ahead of us.

I have no idea what's in store.  But I'll continue to be me and do me.

I'll continue to learn, explore, cogitate, ruminate and....

Resolve to be better in 2025.

Monday, December 30, 2024


 So, it's almost 2025.  Time to reflect on the past year and build on it.

My plan is to continue going on trips and I'm looking at Japan.

There's more:  I bought a week at Playa del Carmen. That's walking distance from my favorite place for paella.

I will try to manage Rio de Secreto and maneuver in the cave.

And, of course, I'll do zip lining!

I'll relax more but not too much!

2025 will be filled with more adventures and FUN, FUN, FUN!

Monday, December 2, 2024


After my tumble, fall and shellacking, I am recovering.

I've made many trips to the physical therapist and to the doctor  -- THE REAL DOCTOR!  No Physician's Assistant or Nurse or Medical Practitioner.  THE REAL DOCTOR!  

I'm not 100% but well enough to get to Cancun for a week of fun and sun.

Only thing:  Because of the scars, I can't wear a swimming suit or shorts.

But I'll be in Cancun enjoying Paella, Mexican food and the ocean right outside my villa.

So, even with the setbacks, I'm good!

Monday, November 18, 2024

Took a Tumble

I was climbing my stairs last week....something I've done millions of times. I was carrying a few things that stifled my mobility.

Because of my familiarity with the stairs, I didn't turn on the light.

But somehow, my foot got wound up with the cord and I took a tumble.


That lapse where I didn't turn on the light or take two trips rather than carry everything at once -- well, it cost me!

My head hit the wall and left my face bloody.  Not to mention the damage to the other parts of my body.

My left knee took the biggest hit because it seems everything landed there.

So, I was off to where I could get treatment.

I went to the physical therapist. He massaged the area and subjected me to machinery that would ease the pain and discomfort.

But Sister said: That is NOT ENOUGH!  You must get medical treatment.

Sis was right.

So, I ent to Urban Care and spent an hour there until I was told all they treated were colds, headaches and minor cut.  

Waste of my time when I was hurting.

I was directed to Urban Aide that, like Urban Care, Aide was a 24-hour hospital.

So, I made my way there, which was in a remote area.

The good news: Because this hospital is located in a barren area, I went in and discovered I was the only one there.  They were waiting for me!

They x-rayed the areas and -- GOOD NEWS -- no broken bones.

They were so attentive and caring. 

I received a prescription for pain and discomfort.

I leave for Cancun in over two weeks so I need to have it together.  I won't be totally cured and healed but I'm on my way.

Monday, October 14, 2024

So proud

 My great nephew turned 18 in August.  He's a fine young man --very mannerly and respectful.

I asked him what he had planned now that he'd reached that magical age.

He replied:  "I'm going to vote!

I was exhilarated.  And last week, he texted me a "Thank you for voting" card.

He was so proud. But not as proud as me!

Monday, September 30, 2024



You MUST see this movie/documentary on Netflix.

It's about a day that Girls are allowed to spend time with their fathers in jail.

Seeing these girls clinging to their dads in a program titled, "Date with Dad" was sad....a tear jerker.

There was dancing, hugging, sadness but mostly love and a yearning for the closeness and for having their dads HOME.

It was touching.

The most moving was Aubrey, a five year old and her Dad, Keith.  They were hugging and kissing one another and professing their love.

After they left, the Dads vowed to work harder to get out of jail.  In two cases, the guys got out of prison and connected with their daughters and did not return to jail.

There was no mention of the crime that brought them to jail.  That was good because that kept the viewer from being judgmental.

It was a special movie.

You should see it.

Monday, September 23, 2024

My next adventure

 The Amtrak journey to the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons and more - turned out to be a disaster.  I won't go into the details but it was so bad, Amtrak refunded me some of my money.  And I was told they NEVER refund anything!

But with that out of the way, and with a resolve that I will do better for my next trip, I finally decided where I'd go.

And it's to: